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#283206 Scienze

The Rational Surgery of the Middle Ages.

Publisher: Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo.
Date of publ.:
Series: Coll. Micrologus Library, 15.
Details: cm.14x21, pp.296, br.cop.fig.a colori. Coll. Micrologus Library, 15.

Abstract: This study is based on a remarkable series of a dozen or so Latin surgical treatises composed in the period 1240-1315. In this self-conscious tradition, beginning in northern Italy and spreading to Paris, we can trace the evolution of what the writers thought of as a "science" of surgery. They insisted that they were not simply second-class manual operators, and argued that, like the new academic physicians of the thirteenth century, they could offer "scientific" reasons for what they did, and could teach their subject through books and words, not just empirical practices. They gave their craft a new rational mode of presentation, they couched their practice in theoretical terms, and thereby they made innovations in what they did and how they did it: they enlarged the scope of their activities, moving into the sphere of internal medicine, and pioneered the use of new remedies and techniques. By the end of the century they were so bold as to hope that their subject might come to be taught in medical faculties. Their vision was realized to only a limited extent, but their wider model of a rational surgery continued to be influential long after the Middle Ages.

EAN: 9788884501998
EUR 51.00
EUR 29.90
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#286617 Scienze
Firenze, Sismel Edizioni del Galluzzo 2012, cm.14x21, pp. XVI,541, 65 tavv. ft. br.cop.fig.a colori. Coll. Micrologus Library, 20. A. PARAVICINI BAGLIANI, Introduction. M. PASTOUREAU, Les cornes, les poils, les oreilles et la queue. Se déguiser en animal dans l'Occident médiéval - P.-O. DITTMAR, Les corps sans fins. Extensions animales et végétales dans les marges de la représentation (XIIIe-XIVe siècle) - D. BOHLER, Morphologies humaines au chaos: poils, cornes et appendices dans la litterature narrative et normative du Moyen Âge - C. BOLOGNA, Bernoccoli e altre protuberanze spirituali - F. SANTI, Mantelli, penne e astuti piumati. Coprire le protuberanze ed esibirle nella storia del potere (sec. XII-XVI) - F. SIVO, Corpus infame - C. F. CLAMOTE CARRETO, Anatomie de la différence. Le corps déréglé et les outrances de l'écriture épique (XIIe-XIIIe siècles) - D. ALEXANDRE-BIDON, Enflures et boursouflures. L'obésité au Moyen Âge - P. SAVY, Les attributs chimériques de peuples réels. Queue des Anglais et queue des Juifs au Moyen Âge et à l'époque moderne - I. SABBATINI, Finis corporis initium animae. La qualità morale del nemico nella rappresentazione del corpo tra epica crociata e odeporica di pellegrinaggio - P. SILANOS, The Depositio of Beanus. Horns, Teeth and other Bulges in an Initiation Ceremony in German area (XV Century) - L. CANETTI, «Facendosi fare di cera». Un'euristica dell'eccedenza e della somiglianza tra Medioevo ed Età moderna - B. FRICKE, Tracce di sangue e 'finis corporis'. Sulla genesi della vita nel Quattrocento. Riflessioni sull'Uomo di dolori di Albrecht Dürer - O. NICCOLI, Capi e corpi mostruosi. Una immagine della crisi del potere agli inizi dell'età moderna - B. SCHWARZ, Hæc non sunt bona presagia. I mostri nei fogli volanti della Wickiana - J. WIRTH, L'iconographie médiévale du pied - T. GOLSENNE, Les miracles de la peau. Figures de l'Incarnation dans les arts visuels (XIVe-XVIe siècles) - V. I. STOICHITA, "La seconde peau". Quelques considérations sur le symbolisme des armures au XVIe siècle - D. H. BODART, Il mento 'posticcio' dell'imperatore Carlo V - D.- A. BOARIU, De quelques décapités récalcitrants. Indici.
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