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La montagna dalle sette balze.

Curator: Traduz.di Alberto Castelli.
Publisher: Garzanti.
Date of publ.:
Details: cm.14x21, pp.598, brossura

Note: Fioriture alla cop.
EUR 10.00
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Traduz.di Romeo Lucchese con testo originale a fronte. Milano, Garzanti Ed. 1971, cm.15x21,5, pp.437, legatura ed. con sopraccop.
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Milano, Garzanti 1957, cm.14x21, pp.182, 6 Cristo dolente di Perpignano, legatura ed.soprac.fig.
Note: Bruniture e piccole mende alla sovraccoperta. Interno perfetto.
EUR 8.00
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Traduz.di Alberto Castelli. Milano, Garzanti Ed. 1970, cm.14,5x21,5, pp.497, legatura tutta tela, sovraccop.fig.a col.
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Edited by William H. Shannon and Christine M.Bochen. Lion Book 2009, cm.14x21,5, pp.XIV,394, brossura copertina figurata a colori. Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was one of the most influential spiritual writers of modern times. A Trappist monk, peace and civil rights activist, and widely-praised literary figure, Merton was renowned for his pioneering work in contemplative spirituality, his quest to understand Eastern thought and integrate it with Western spirituality, and his firm belief in Christian activism. His autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, is the defining spiritual memoir of its time, selling over one million copies and translating into over fifteen languages. Merton was also one of the most prolific and provocative letter writers of the twentieth century. His letters (those written both by him and to him), archived at the Thomas Merton Studies Center in Kentucky, number more than ten thousand. For Merton, letters were not just a vehicle for exchanging information, but his primary means for initiating, maintaining, and deepening relationships. Letter-writing was a personal act of self-revelation and communication. His letters offer a unique lens through which we relive the spiritual and social upheavals of the twentieth century, while offering wisdom that is still relevant for our world today.

EAN: 9780745953748
EUR 9.00
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Traduz.di Italo Alighiero Chiusano. Milano, Club degli Editori su licenza Einaudi 1972, cm.13,5x21, pp.488, legatura ed., sopraccop.fig.a colori. Coll.Un Libro al Mese - Narrativa,M12.
EUR 7.00
Nuova edizione completamente rifatta. Firenze, Sansoni Ed. 1977, cm.15,5x21,5, pp.183, 95 bn.nt., brossura, cop.fig. (cop.parzialmente ingiallita ma copia in buono stato).
EUR 10.00
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#287396 Arte Pittura
Firenze, Polistampa 2017, cm.24x31, pp.192, ill.a colori. brossura copertina figurata a colori. Dall’eredità stilistica del Bronzino, evidente in pittori come Carlo Dolci e Onorio Marinari, alle tendenze artistiche ottocentesche, passando per Manierismo e Barocco: i saggi dello storico d’arte Sandro Bellesi approfondiscono aspetti e temi cruciali della produzione fiorentina in un arco di tempo lungo quattro secoli. Tra i protagonisti dei quindici contributi, finora inediti, racchiusi nel volume, troviamo nomi noti e personalità ancora da riscoprire, piccoli e grandi maestri dell’arte sacra e profana, della ritrattistica o del naturalismo, interpreti di suggestive nature morte come di sensuali e affascinanti figure femminili.

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