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#308240 Filosofia

The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia.

Publisher: Sismel.
Date of publ.:
Series: Coll.Micrologus, XXIV.
Details: cm.15x23,5, pp.VI,504, brossura copertina a colori. Coll.Micrologus, XXIV.

Abstract: Ch. Burnett, On Judging and Doing in Arabic and Latin Texts on Astrology and Divination - D. Jacquart, Quelques propos introductifs: la confluence des sources grecques et arabes dans l'Occident médiéval latin. PRACTICAL SCIENCES. J. Chandelier, Le concept de maladie chronique, des Grecs aux Arabes et des Arabes aux Latins - M. R. McVaugh, Why Rhazes? - M. Pereira, Projecting Perfection. Remarks on the Origin of the "Alchemy of the Elixir" - A. Djebbar, La circulation de l'algèbre arabe en Europe et son impact - M. Abattouy, The Corpus of Mechanics of Al-Isfizar?: its Structure and Signification in the Context of Arabic Mechanics. DIVINATION, MAGIC, ASTROLOGY. D. Juste, The Impact of Arabic Sources on European Astrology: Some Facts and Numbers - J.-P. Boudet, Les comètes dans le Centiloquium et le De cometis du pseudo-Ptolémée - N. Weill-Parot, Devenirs de la magie astrale hermétique arabe dans le monde latin: signification "culturelle" d'une utilisation (XII e- XVe siècle) - G. de Callataÿ, Who were the Readers of the Rasa 'il Ikhwanal-Safa'? - M. Bagheri, Kushyar ibn Labban's Mathematical Approach in His Astronomical Handbook - Shi Yunli Zhu Haohao, Calculating the Fate of Chinese Dynasties with the Islamic Method: The Chinese Study and Application of Arabic Astrology in the 17th Century. RECEPTION AND ORGANIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE. I. Ventura, Medieval Pharmacy and the Arabic Heritage: the Salernitan Collection Circa instans - V. Boudon-Millot, L'apport des traducteurs arabes dans le débat sur l'authenticité des traités galéniques - J.-M. Mandosio, The Use of al-Kindî's Treatise On Rays in Peter of Zealand's Elucidation of Marvelous Things (End of the 15th Century) - M. Yano, Eastern Perspective of the Conference - A.Paravicini Bagliani, Western Perspective of the Conference. Indexes by D. Jacquart and A. Paravicini Bagliani.

EAN: 9788884506863
EUR 90.00
EUR 54.00
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