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Beacon Lights of History. Vol.V: The Middle Ages. Contents: Mohammed (saracenic conquests) - Charlemagne (revival of the Western Empire) - Hildebrand (the papal empire) - Saint Bernard (monastic institutions) - Saint Anselm (mediaeval theology) - Thomas Aquinas (the scholastic philosophy) - Thomas Becket (prelatical power) - The feudal system - The Crusades - William of Wykeham (gothic architecture) - John Wyclif (dawn of the Reformation).

Editore: James Clarke & Company.
Data di pubbl.:
Dettagli: cm.15x22, pp.(4),427,(5), 14 incis. in bn.ft. di cui una protetta da velina all'antip., rilegatura coeva in mz.pelle verde scuro con grandi angoli ai piatti, dorso a 4 nervi con titoli e filetti in oro al dorso, piatti in tela grigia. [buon esemplare.]

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Contents: Governments and laws (greek and roman jurisprudence) - The fine arts (architecture, sculpture, painting) - Ancient scientific knowledge (astronomy, geography, etc.) - Material life of the Ancients (mechanical and useful arts) - The military art (weapons, engines, discipline) - Cicero (roman literature) - Cleopatra (the woman of paganism) - Pagan society (glory and shame). New York, James Clarke & Company 1888, cm.15x22, pp.(4),386,(4), 11 incis. in bn.ft. di cui una protetta da velina all'antip., rilegatura coeva in mz.pelle verde scuro con grandi angoli ai piatti, dorso a 4 nervi con titoli e filetti in oro al dorso, piatti in tela grigia. (piccola menda alla cuffia superiore.)
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Contents: Cyrus the Great (asiatic supremacy) - Julius Caesar (imperialism) - Marcus Aurelius (the glory of Rome) - Constantine the Great (Christianity enthroned) - Paula (woman as friend) - Chrysostom (sacred eloquence) - Saint Ambrose (episcopal authority) - Saint Augustine (christian theology) - Theodosius the Great (latter days of Rome) - Leo the Great (foundation of the papacy). New York, James Clarke & Company 1888, cm.15x22, pp.(2),395,(5), 16 incis. in bn.ft. di cui una protetta da velina all'antip., rilegatura coeva in mz.pelle verde scuro con grandi angoli ai piatti, dorso a 4 nervi con titoli e filetti in oro al dorso, piatti in tela grigia. [bell'esemplare.]
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Contents: Alfred the Great (the Saxons in England) - Queen Elizabeth (woman as a sovereign) - Henry of navarre (the Huguenots) - Gustavus Adolphus (Thirty Years' War) - Cardinal Richelieu (absolutism) - Oliver Cromwell (English Revolution) - Louis XIV (the French Monarchy) - Louis XV (remote causes of Revolution) - Peter the Great (his services to Russia) - Frederic the Great (the Prussian Power). New York, James Clarke & Company 1886, cm.15x22, pp.404,(4), 17 incis. in bn.ft. di cui una protetta da velina all'antip., rilegatura coeva in mz.pelle verde scuro con grandi angoli ai piatti, dorso a 4 nervi con titoli e filetti in oro al dorso, piatti in tela grigia. [buon esemplare.]
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Contents: Preliminary Chapter (the American Idea) - Benjamin Franklin (diplomacy) - George Washington (the American Revolution) - Alexander Hamilton (American Constitution) - John Adams (constructive statesmanship) - Thomas Jefferson (popular sovereignty) - John Marshall (the Supreme Court). New York, James Clarke & Company 1902, cm.15x22, pp.(6),363,(5), 15 incis. in bn.ft. di cui una protetta da velina all'antip., rilegatura coeva in mz.pelle verde scuro con grandi angoli ai piatti, dorso a 4 nervi con titoli e filetti in oro al dorso, piatti in tela grigia. (piccole abrasioni alle cerniere esterne.)
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