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Speak no Evil. L'analisi dell'accento inglese degli italiani.

Editore: Edizioni dell'Orso.
Data di pubbl.:
Collana: Coll.Lingue Straniere e Università.
Dettagli: cm.17x24, pp.356, brossura. Coll.Lingue Straniere e Università.

EAN: 9788876945656
EUR 24.00
EUR 10.00
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Description: Reveals the trajectory of the Greek language from the Mycenaean period of the second millennium BC to the current day. Offers a complete linguistic treatment of the history of the Greek language. Updated second edition features increased coverage of the ancient evidence, as well as the roots and development of diglossia. Includes maps that clearly illustrate the distribution of ancient dialects and the geographical spread of Greek in the early Middle Ages. Second Edition. Wiley-Blackwell 2010, cm.17,5x25, pp.506, hardcover. Table of contents:Preface to the First Edition. Preface to the Second Edition. IPA Chart. The Greek Alphabet. Introduction: The Scope and Purpose of This Book. PART I Ancient Greek: From Mycenae to the Roman Empire. The Ancient Greek Dialects. Classical Greek: Official and Literary ‘Standards’. The Rise of Attic. Greek in the Hellenistic World. Greek in the Roman Empire. Spoken Koine in the Roman Period. PART II Byzantium: From Constantine I to Mehmet the Conqueror. Historical Prelude. Greek in the Byzantine Empire: The Major Issues. Byzantine Belles Lettres. The Written Koine in Byzantium. Spoken Greek in the Byzantine Empire: The Principal Developments. Texts in the ‘Vernacular’. PART III Modern Greek: From the Ottoman Empire to the European Union. Ottoman Rule and the War of Independence. Spoken Greek in the Ottoman Period. Written Greek in the Turkish Period. The History of the Modern Greek State. The ‘Language Question’ and its Resolution. Bibliography. Index.

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