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Sciences et symboles: les voies de la connaissance.

Curator: A cura di M.Cazenave.
Publisher: Albin Michel.
Date of publ.:
Details: cm.14,5x22,5, pp.454, br.

EAN: 9782226025449
EUR 9.00
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#318444 Scienze
A cura di Danielle Jacquart e Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Tavarnuzze, Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo 2021, cm.17x24, pp.XXVI,706, brossura. Collana Micrologus library, 100. Testo Italiano, Inglese e Francese. A. Paravicini Bagliani, «Micrologus» et les sciences au Moyen Âge - B. Obrist, La périphérie de l’univers dans la cosmologie du XIIe au début du XIIIe siècle - P. Gautier Dalché, Les représentations de l’espace géographique - J. Wirth, Les artistes médiévaux face à la culture scientifique - M. Pastoureau, À la recherche de la couleur - M. Pereira, Ars, scientia, donum Dei. Complessità dell’alchimia - C. Crisciani, Vecchiaia, morte e lunga vita - L. Moulinier-Brogi, «La fleur de l’âge de l’histoire du corps» - O. Voskoboynikov, L’éloquence du corps - A. Paravicini Bagliani, Les dédicaces scientifiques à la cour pontificale. Premières recherches (XIIIe siècle) - I. Caiazzo, L’astronomie de Martianus Capella à la Faculté des arts - M. Husson, Physical signs and minutes of days: mean motion computations in the Parisian Alfonsine Tables - C. Panti, The Oxford-Paris connection of optics and the theory of rainbow: Grosseteste’s De iride, pseudo-Oresme’s Inter omnes impressiones and Bacon’s Perspectiva in Paris, BnF, lat. 7434 - N. Weill-Parot, La physique médiévale: les voies d’un renouveau - B. Van den Abeele, Entre savoir de bois et de riviere et libraria: pratiques et lectures du monde animal (XIe-XVIe) siècles) - F. Santi, Sperimentazioni sugli animali. Il caso della pratica degli incroci - M. van der Lugt, Generation in the Middle Ages Past, Present, Future - J. Ziegler, The Study of Medieval Physiognomy: Present and Future - J. Chandelier, L'anatomie à la fin du Moyen Âge - M. McVaugh, Medieval Paths to Surgical Practice: The Example of Montpellier - M. Nicoud, Pour une histoire globale de la médecine médiévale - B. Laurioux, Food in the Medieval Sciences - I. Ventura, Pharmacopée et ‘pharmacologie’ entre textes et pratiques: nouvelles perspectives - J.-P. Boudet, Censures et condamnations (XIIIe-XVe siècle) - D. Juste, Reading Birth Horoscopes in the Middle Ages: Latin Judgements on Nativities 1100-1450 - Ch. Burnett, Alia lectio: Editorial Strategies in Copies of a Medieval Latin Text on Talismans by Thabit ibn Qurra - J. Véronèse, La magie rituelle à la fin du Moyen Âge. Le cas de la Clavicula Salomonis - D. Jacquart, Conclusion.

EAN: 9788892901292 Note: volume nuovo ma con qualche macchia alla copertina.
EUR 95.00
EUR 59.90
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#318438 Filosofia
A cura di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Tavarnuzze, Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo 2020, cm.15x21, pp.VI,493; 14 tavv. f.t. brossura copertina figurata a colori. Collana Micrologus, 31. Testo Inglese. I. Caiazzo, «Rex Robertus, rex expertus in omni scientia»: Roberto d’Angiò e i saperi – C. Villa, Un progetto di regno: lo studio della storia, il memoriale angioino e la bozza Ne pretereat – L. Esposito, I documenti delle arche in carta bambagina. Gli originali superstiti del regno di Roberto d’Angiò – P. Nold, Servants of Two Masters: Some Biographical Notes on Mendicants at the Court(s) of Robert of Anjou and John XXII in Avignon 1319–1324 – K. Schut, John of Naples and Pastoral Care for the Dead and Dying at the Court of Robert of Anjou – W. Duba - C. Schabel, Three Protegés of Robert the Wise and Their Debate over Contradictories: Landolfo Caracciolo vs. Francesco d’Appignano and François de Meyronnes – J.- P. Boyer, Science et conscience: Bureaucratie et prédication à Naples (première moitié du XIVe siècle circa) – M. Benedetto, Come Salomone: Roberto d’Angiò attraverso gli occhi di filosofi e traduttori ebrei attivi alla sua corte – G. Murano, Il Taha¯fut al–Taha¯fut di Averroè tradotto per Roberto d’Angiò. Note sulla tradizione manoscritta latina – D. Jacquart, De l’arabe au grec à la cour angevine: l’apport de textes médicaux fondamentaux au monde latin – A. Sannino, Il De essentiis essentiarum dedicato a Roberto, duca di Calabria – J. Chandelier, Dino del Garbo, Francesco da Piedimonte et la médecine à l’époque de Robert d’Anjou – S. Fortuna, Niccolò da Reggio e il Vat. gr. 283. Il caso dello pseudogalenico De hirudinibus, revulsione, cucurbitula, incisione et scarificatione con edizione del testo greco e della traduzione latina – M. Di Cesare, Geografia, cartografia e storiografia alla corte di Re Roberto: libri e opera di Paolino Veneto – F. Seller, Andalò Di Negro, astronomo/astrologo alla corte di Roberto d’Angiò – M. R. Marchionibus, Nel solco della dinastia di Cristo: Roberto il Saggio e la costruzione del potere attraverso le immagini – S. Pilato, La Cappella reale d’Angiò nella cripta del complesso monumentale di Santa Maria Assunta del Castello Aragonese di Ischia. PLATES. A. Paravicini Bagliani, Conclusions. INDEXES. Index of Authors, by I. Caiazzo and A. Sannino. Index of Manuscripts, by A. Paravicini Bagliani

EAN: 9788892902091
EUR 90.00
EUR 59.00
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#318432 Filosofia
A cura di Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. Tavarnuzze, Sismel - Edizioni del Galluzzo 2020, cm.15x21, pp.XL,338, brossura copertina figurata a colori. Collana Micrologus, 28. Testo Inglese. A. Paravicini Bagliani, Introduction. HRS Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Wellcome. M. R. Zou’bi, Islam and the West: Historical Models of Interdependence in Science and Academy - M. Miklós, Teaching Greek and Arabic Sciences in Islam - J. Chabás, Episodes on the Diffusion of Arabic Astronomical Tables in Europe - A. Djebbar, Les mathématiques arabes et leur circulation dans l’Occident latin - M. Moyon, L’appropriation des sciences géométriques arabes en Occident médiéval - Ch. Burnett, Arabica veritas: Europeans’ Search for «Truth» in Arabic Scientific and Philosophical Literature of the Middle Ages - S. Moureau, Min al-Kimiya’ ad Alchimiam. The Transmission of Alchemy from the Arab-Muslim World to the Latin West in the Middle Ages - J.-P. Boudet, The Transmission of Arabic Magic in Europe (Middle Ages - Renaissance) - B. Laurioux, The Spices and the Transmission of the Arabic Culinary Knowledge in Europe - A. Fidora, The Arabic Influence on the Classification of Philosophy in the Latin West: The Case of the Introductions to Philosophy - J. Chandelier, The Diffusion and Influence of Arabic Medicine in Late Medieval Europe: An Overview - I. Ventura, On the Impact of Arabic Pharmacological Knowledge in Europe: The Example of Ps.-Serapion’s Liber aggregatus de simplicibus medicinis - Y.T. Elkholy, Ibn al-Haytham in Europe during late Middle Ages and Renaissance - D. Jacquart, The Survival of the Medieval Translations of Arabic Scientific and Philosophical Texts in Incunabula and Sixteenth-Century Printings. Indici, a cura di A. Paravicini Bagliani.

EAN: 9788884509680
EUR 90.00
EUR 59.90
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#308240 Filosofia
Firenze, Sismel 2016, cm.15x23,5, pp.VI,504, brossura copertina a colori. Coll.Micrologus, XXIV. Ch. Burnett, On Judging and Doing in Arabic and Latin Texts on Astrology and Divination - D. Jacquart, Quelques propos introductifs: la confluence des sources grecques et arabes dans l'Occident médiéval latin. PRACTICAL SCIENCES. J. Chandelier, Le concept de maladie chronique, des Grecs aux Arabes et des Arabes aux Latins - M. R. McVaugh, Why Rhazes? - M. Pereira, Projecting Perfection. Remarks on the Origin of the "Alchemy of the Elixir" - A. Djebbar, La circulation de l'algèbre arabe en Europe et son impact - M. Abattouy, The Corpus of Mechanics of Al-Isfizar?: its Structure and Signification in the Context of Arabic Mechanics. DIVINATION, MAGIC, ASTROLOGY. D. Juste, The Impact of Arabic Sources on European Astrology: Some Facts and Numbers - J.-P. Boudet, Les comètes dans le Centiloquium et le De cometis du pseudo-Ptolémée - N. Weill-Parot, Devenirs de la magie astrale hermétique arabe dans le monde latin: signification "culturelle" d'une utilisation (XII e- XVe siècle) - G. de Callataÿ, Who were the Readers of the Rasa 'il Ikhwanal-Safa'? - M. Bagheri, Kushyar ibn Labban's Mathematical Approach in His Astronomical Handbook - Shi Yunli Zhu Haohao, Calculating the Fate of Chinese Dynasties with the Islamic Method: The Chinese Study and Application of Arabic Astrology in the 17th Century. RECEPTION AND ORGANIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE. I. Ventura, Medieval Pharmacy and the Arabic Heritage: the Salernitan Collection Circa instans - V. Boudon-Millot, L'apport des traducteurs arabes dans le débat sur l'authenticité des traités galéniques - J.-M. Mandosio, The Use of al-Kindî's Treatise On Rays in Peter of Zealand's Elucidation of Marvelous Things (End of the 15th Century) - M. Yano, Eastern Perspective of the Conference - A.Paravicini Bagliani, Western Perspective of the Conference. Indexes by D. Jacquart and A. Paravicini Bagliani

EAN: 9788884506863
EUR 90.00
EUR 54.00
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